Microsoft Build: News from the Developer Conference

Today is the last day of Microsoft Build, their developer conference. It is the annual conference announcing new stuff from various Redmond platforms: and there were many things to show.

First, Microsoft announced that Windows 10, the latest version of its operating system, is now in use on half a billion devices. Though initially, they thought they were going to reach a billion installation in two to three years, it is still a remarkable achievement. Also impressive is the number of monthly subscribers of Office 365: 100 million.

On the technical side, newsworthy stuff were many and different, and all interesting. For example, the new version of Visual Studio, Microsoft’s IDE, is now available: and it works on Macs too. Moreover, Microsoft is heavily investing in its teamwork platform, Teams: You can now create apps or bots for Teams to expand and differentiate its capabilities. Cortana, Microsoft’s own virtual assistant, is now open to developers, like Amazon’s Alexa.

One thing we are curious about and what we would like to follow about is Emma, ​​a smartwatch that in the demo shown helps people with Parkinson’s to control the tremors of the hand.

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