Review is an intuitive commercial management (in Cloud) solution focused on business opportunity and next action. It is designed for sales people and more particularly for BtoB business teams and SMEs looking for desktop and mobile software that is agile compared to traditional CRM systems. is a lead management app that allows sellers to collaborate and increase productivity, and sellers create business opportunities in just a few clicks via an email, business card, form, spreadsheet import, and manage the entire sales cycle. Managers and sellers can monitor the sales process and synchronize the calendar by making sure they never miss a sales opportunity. Instead of focusing on Customer Relationship Management (CRM), focuses on converting leads through different sales stages.


The tutorial explains how easy it is to follow your team’s business using this CRM software:


  • Pipeline Management: Customizable Sales Process to Manage Step-by-Step Leads
  • Mail integration: Track customer exchanges in one place
  • Statistics: Intuitive and accurate reporting automatically generated on business activity
  • Sales forecast: Managing business opportunities by maturity (end date) and revenue forecast
  • Mobile and desktop apps: software available on mobile and computer
  • Categorization: segmentation of business opportunities by customer type, offers, products, services, etc… to get more accurate statistics
  • Simple and intuitive
  • Highly customizable to adapt the interface to your business and not the other way around
  • Available in 7 languages: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian
  • Included support
  • 2-4 weeks of free trial
  • Non-binding (or yearly) monthly subscription for 12th/month


Denis B.”Very popular with salespeople”

Commenti: I gave a demo license to three salespeople, without any explanation and 20 minutes later they had informed several opportunities. I had done the same with other CRM without the same success.

Vantaggi: Salespeople find it very easy to use and therefore no objection to informing the CRM.

Inconvenienti: Quite little support for implementation and evolution, but the tool is so intuitive that this disadvantage is minimal.

Jean-marc G.”A very easy-to-use software that avoids the pitfalls of the heaviness of the main CRM”

Commenti: A software that has evolved and accompanied the growth of our company.
Vantaggi: Software made for prospecting and which avoids turning salespeople into sales administrators (I myself have significant experience with other well-known CRMs in the market). A very responsive support team and always ready to think with you about useful developments.

Inconvenienti: The Link with Teams i.e. the ability to call by teams by clicking directly on the number is not yet active while it was for Skype. I imagine this will evolve.


Ludovic T.”A really simple CRM so you don’t get overtaken”

Vantaggi: I particularly appreciate the simplicity. I am not very computer, I am doing very well, I was also the prescriber for the purchase of No CRM io and I am the administrator. This tool allows us not to forget customer recalls, stains… because we can link it to our agenda. This is our dashboard of the day, which allows us to no longer sail on sight and especially not to miss a good deal or raise (because the brain has its limits). Whether on my computer or my smartphone, Nocrmio is our ally for the success of our business.

Inconvenienti: I’d appreciate a hotline, rather than going through tutorials and other online training


With, CRM software, you can measure and track performance with the ability to plan and record activities, organize your sales process, and customize your sales pipeline to manage your sales cycle from start to finish. Write a review on this program.

Usability: 9 /10 Speed: 9 /10 Features: 8.5 /10 Support: 9 /10 Pricing: 9 /10

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