7 ways digital tools are transforming the education space

Photo by Lagos Techie on Unsplash

Due to the global pandemic of Covid-19, education worldwide was forced to recreate itself drastically. Since then, technology has excelled at an even more rapid pace to catch up to the demand for digital tools within the education space.
Remote learning, video discussions, lectures, and integrated technology-based classroom assignments are some ways education was transformed and continue to evolve as new tools are introduced into the school systems.
Keep reading to be better informed on seven ways digital tools are transforming the education space today.

What are digital tools?

A digital educational tool is designed to integrate communication, learning, engagement, creation, and collaboration within and outside the classroom. Some popular tools include:

  • Smartboard
  • Chromebook
  • Tablets
  • iPad

These digital tools have revolutionized the way educators engage with learners and the way students embrace their education.

7 transformations

  1. Access to digital tools – since the pandemic, when all students, regardless if they had a computer at home or not, were required to remotely learn, access to Chromebooks has become mandatory. Students whose parents could not afford a computer or even the internet at home were scrambling to meet their child’s educational needs.
    A majority of states have implemented standards that students now have access to digital learning resources such as a Chromebook. While most schools have provided these tools for free, some schools still have a check-out program where students can borrow a laptop, tablet, or iPad.
  2. Asynchronous learning – Zoom, Team Meetings, and Google Classroom are just some of the new online learning modalities that allow instructors and students to engage in learning, increase relationships, facilitate discussions, and enable distance learning. Both have permitted all learners to access education that adheres to their lifestyle, schedules, and level of knowledge.
  3. Global learning opportunities – The World Wide Web has extended itself by allowing classrooms to go way beyond their noses. Educators now can reach cultural and geographical knowledge beyond just their classroom. Learners from just about anywhere in the world can now access schools that were not offered before digital learning platforms were available.
  4. Initiate independent learning – with digital tools, students can steer their education in a way that best suits their learning style. Classes are no longer teacher-led; students are given more control over what and how they learn after a lecture. While an instructor is required to build the foundation, the building can be handed over to the student. Students can now visit the actual jungle via live webcam sites instead of lecturing or reading about the Amazon Jungle.
  5. Ownership of academic achievement – digital tools have permitted students to become interactive with their progress academically with the implementation of applications to record progress, identify any issues, measure achievements, and meet goals.
  6. Inspire innovative ideas – with access to digital tools, students are given a platform to create, collaborate, inspire, and transform their ideas into life. The future creators are given opportunities to discover software programs and design tools to excel in the invention process that they may not have had access to before digital learning tools.
  7. Create career paths – digital tools have transformed the way students now think about their future career goals. Students can now envision futures in digital programming, computer engineering, machining design, and so many other careers.

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Digital tools have transformed the education space by creating resources, platforms, and experiences for educators and students that were not available in the past. Teaching and learning have extended beyond a brick-and-mortar building and transformed accessibility, collaboration, understanding, and, most importantly, education.

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